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Nadya Hristova – a sorceress


"May you never smiled in gladness,
You, my daughter, and Doichin!
May, you pine forlorn and helpless,
In a year grow pale and thin!…”


Thus Botev describes the popular malediction in his poem “Eloped”.  The parental curse is considered to be the most powerful one that always reaches the offspring. It is often a heavy burden over the generations. ‘One cannot runaway from it’, says the old gipsy in Stephen King’s novel “The Curse”. Once pronounced, it already exists in space.

In the past, people knew the power of the curse well. It acted as “a notarial legalisation” in commercial transactions, witness testimonies and religious rituals. The oath of allegiance between a man and a woman is like a “marital contract” in front of the unseen Judge (Lord).

The vow is a means of expression of the spirit. As a result, an energy field is created and this field becomes established as an independent force, not influenced by the thought of the person who emanates it. Once pronounced, the oath can act as magic and auto-magic. When the bio-field of the cursed is strong (as the ones of saints, wise men and righteous people are), the harmful vibrations of the malediction cannot penetrate into its subject and they go back to their sender with a doubled force – “He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword”.

The curse is a dangerous weapon, which we can be terribly hurt through. That’s why Christ puts a ban on its use by saying:

“…Swear not at

all; neither by heaven; for it is God’s


Nor by the earth; for it is his


Neither shalt thou swear by thy


But let your communication be,

Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever

is more than these cometh of evil.”

Therefore, the maledictions over heads of states, members of parliament, physicians, etc. are dangerous and ridiculous. How many false curses have overtaken them? The truth is that the one, who takes an oath, curses in fact oneself under a different Law in front of a different Law-court where advocates are difficult to find.

Some time ago the 32-year-old Katya, from Sofia, came to me. She had difficulties in her relations with men. She had several relationships, always did her best and gave herself away, but when it came to marriage, her friends used to run away for inexplicable reasons. She was even engaged to be married once, but the man went to another woman. Katya believed that someone had put a spell on her. I checked it up and saw that an unknown woman put a curse over her.

It turned out that the father of my client was engaged to a woman when he was young before he met her mother. But they took to each other at once and decided to get married. At the wedding ceremony the forsaken fiancée appeared, came near the newly-married couple and uttered, ‘Let damnation take you!’

The young couple came to Sofia, lived happily and forgot about the unpleasant incident. The curse, however, fell down over their only daughter. ‘It will hurt them more in this way”, as Vanga says. I removed the influence of the curse with the help of a priest. Today Katya is happily married and is awaiting a child. A trite instance with a happy end – at first sight. Unfortunately, the end of such stories is not always a happy one.

               "DNEVEN TRUD"  - Bulgaria, 04.2000


 The World Conspiracy In Medicine


Nadya Hristova


What will the medicine of the future be? What kind of diseases will be cured? What stands in the way of the free development of the real medicine? In other words – is there a control exercised over the physical and mental health of people around the world?

The live broadcast “Insight” on Channel 2001 tried to answer these and other questions furthermore in the last two Sundays. It was filmed with the special participation of Bozhidar Palyushev, an academician and author of the books “Physics of God 1, 2 & 3”, co-author of “The World Conspiracy 2”. Only a few days ago, he came back from London, where he spent more of his time investigating on the processes of globalization and The New World Order. From the heart of the World Conspiracy – the United Kingdom, Mr Palyushev brought new disclosures and facts, and was a guest of “Insight” for the third time.

Our second interlocutor was the young and ambitious Dr Atanas Galabov, a doctor of homeopathy in practice and an author of two books on the issues of the alternative medicine. During the last months he actively gathered information and evidence on the World Conspiracy in medicine, which was the topic of the broadcast.

As a speaker of “Insight”, my practice is not to introduce my guests to each other in advance. In this way, a live spontaneous conversation is achieved. My main embarrassments were due to the fact that the subject was completely new to the Bulgarian audience and had not been discussed in the media before. On the second place, I had invited specialists in different areas of science. To my surprise, they all stood by the same opinion, which was contrary to the generally held view up to now.

It turned out that the alternative medicine was intentionally oppressed

for decades past. Organizations near to Rockefeller have taken great care to create medicine and physicians who would attend to their interests. And these interests were and still are connected directly to the big pharmaceutical companies whose owners are the businesses from Rockefeller’s surroundings. That’s what Dr Galabov stated. He expounded the mechanism through which medical institutes were subsidized and supported by the foundations of these gentlemen solely in order to practise methods of treatment which brought great amounts of money from the patients to the pharmaceutical companies. In the same time, new and cheap alternative methods were deliberately branded and compromised. Dr Galabov even disclosed some facts about inventions that cured cancer without any complex apparatuses. But these inventions will never be put into practice for the ordinary inhabitant of the Planet, because someone had taken great and provident care about that. Otherwise, the expensive chemio-therapies and medicine, recommended in such cases, would not be paid.

The most shocking disclosure to all of us was the statement of the two medical men that there is no AIDS. I was surprised to see how people who had not met and had gathered information from absolutely different sources would outtalk each other in explaining that AIDS is a great delusion. Dr Galabov based himself on the assertion that HIV could not cause death, but death came after the use of the extremely expensive new drugs. Dr Palyushev announced that the myth of the lethal AIDS is a part of the experiments on the mind manipulation over the masses or Mind Control and continued with data on the newest psychogenetic weapons. Then an excited woman – a doctor, called and shared the opinion of our guests, but she was afraid that this information would be a shock for the unprepared audience. I disagree with that. I think that the Channel 2001-viewers are those kind of seeing people who do not get shocked by the truth, but they open the door of their mind wide to accept it.

The very fact that like never before a lot of different people kept on ringing on the phone a week on end. They ranged from ordinary spectators who asked whether it’s true that saccharine was harmful, to physicians, specialists who shared their truths about the world conspiracy in medicine. This fact speaks aloud that a man who has once opened their eyes is not willing to shut them. Let’s wish one would not do it.

I would say: “Blessed are the seeing, for theirs is the age to come.”

The rest just stay in the dark past.

“Insight” is not a sight for every eye. Watch it with wide-open eyes!


KANAL 2001 TV and magazine.


Intervista en radio en Castellano.

Yo ofrezco un tratamiento alternativo para resolver los problemas de salud, emocionales y psicológicos.


 Es un tratamiento inofensivo y al mismo tiempo muy eficaz.


Mi método es una combinación de tratamiento energético y espiritual y es un antiguo método   búlgaro que heredé de mis padres.


Se basa en los principios de la bioenergoterapia y ayuda a resolver problemas de salud y energéticos.


En la practica, mi método funciona así:


Influyo energéticamente en el cuerpo, a través de mis manos, sin tocarlo.


A una distancia de unos 10 a 15 centímetros hago contacto con el aura y en esta posición doy o tomo energía donde veo que es necesario.


La bioenergoterapia era practicada ya en la antigüedad por sacerdotes y sabios en muchas tribus orientales con el objeto  de curar.


Más recientemente la  bioenergoterapia ha sido desarrollada por los doctores norteamericanos Alexander Lowen y Jon Pierakos.


 Su labor se basa en la practica del psiquiatra Wilhem Reich que en 1936 planteo que las células tenían energía que podía actuar  en el cuerpo ………………………………………………………..


Una de las personas que practican la bioenergética más conocidas en la actual días es  la curadora Djuna.



¿Dónde aprendí tu método?


Desde que era pequeña observe como a la casa de   mi abuela llegaban personas enfermas a las que ella ayudaba con rituales y preparando mezclas de hierbas.


Tengo que decir que todas las mujeres de mi familia son curadoras.


En los tiempos del comunismo, en Bulgaria, la parapsicología  era un tema tabú.


Las personas que practicaban la medicina alternativa, o la parapsicología lo hacían en secreto.


Es por eso que los conocimientos me fueron transmitidos con mucha discreción.


Desde el año de 1996 practico la parapsicología profesionalmente.


Desde ese año he participado en  muchos cursos y conferencias sobre la  bioenergoterapia.


Yo misma he dado clases sobre variados temas relacionados con las influencias energéticas externas.


También he tenido alumnos que ahora enseñan y son curadores.


Las enfermedades


La mayoría de la gente sabe que las enfermedades son causadas por bacterias, virus y otros.


La medicina actual reconoce causas invisibles como el estrés.


La bioenergètica va más lejos y manipula conceptos como la energía.


Según el psiquiatra Wilhem Reich las enfermedades están provocadas por traumas psicológicos y emocionales que desembocan en un bloqueo de energía en el cuerpo que se refleja en la tensión muscular.


Es decir, que nuestras mentes y sentimientos tienen influencia directa sobre nuestro cuerpo.


En mi opinión las enfermedades pueden ser causadas  además de por agentes internos, como  cree el doctor  Reich, por influencias externas.


Por ejemplo las zonas  “geopatogénicas” explicadas en la ciencia radiónica.


No es raro ver, que  la perturbación de los procesos bioenergéticas de  una persona   pueden influir en el campo energético de otra.


Por ejemplo: Los pensamientos negativos pueden causar efecto en las estructuras energéticas finas del cuerpo, lo que  puede provocar enfermedad.


Muchas enfermedades aparecen primero a nivel energético y solo después se manifiestan en el plano corporal.


También se sabe que nuestros sistemas bioenergéticos  son abiertos y podrán  ser influenciados  por la energoinformación proveniente de otra persona , de un lugar ,o de un objeto.


 La bioenergoterapia es una practica que consiste en que  un sistema bioenergético influye en otro, transmite energoinformación  con el objetivo de normalizar las  procesos energéticos y biológicos.


Estos procesos de  sanción se   realizan siempre individualmente.


Por ejemplo:   Si  yo tengo un cliente con hinchazón o cualquier  lesión energetizo , no  solo la parte  enferma, sino que influyo en todo el cuerpo, potenciando la circulación de la sangre, mejorando el funcionamiento del  sistema linfático, que  a su vez controla  la  respuesta inmunológica.


Pero si el cliente tiene problemas de corazón, tensión alta  o hematomas puedo influir, pero no con el objetivo de  alterar la circulación de la sangre que sería, contraproducente en estos casos.


 En este caso puedo aplicar técnicas de relajación y potencio la  defensa energética  del cuerpo.


Otro ejemplo:   Si una persona que sufre de insomnio busca mi ayuda, primero trato de  encontrar los causas del malestar.

·        Si  las  causas son físicas, como  haber  bebido mucho café o alcohol, haber consumido drogas, o  haberse intoxicado  con alguna sustancia,  mi consejo es que  vaya al médico antes de emprender cualquier  cura alternativa.

·        Si yo veo que  la  causa del insomnio es que la cama del cliente se encuentra ubicada en zona geopatógena, que es la persona que investiga  los campos en la casa, para que le recomiendo desplazar su cama y así resolver el  problema.

·        Si las causas  son energéticas o de estrés o emocionales tengo posibilidad de  ayudar a esta persona.

Para todos está claro que cuando a alguien le duela la  cabeza,  no va  donde un “curandero”, sino que va al médico.

Por lo general mis clientes son personas  con diagnóstico, que han sido sometidas  a una o más curaciones sin éxito y que  han probado todo para curar se.


Con frecuencia mi puerta es  la  última a la que se  tocan.

Estas personas  están abatidas, son desconfiadas y  acuden a mi simplemente, como una última opción, sin esperar milagros.


Piensan que  no  hay  solución a su problema y con ellos la sugestión está fuera de  lugar.


Al igual  que 


Cuando ayudo a personas que  están lejos, en el hospital, esperando por  ser operadas y sus familias acuder


Por ejemplo: Los  padres  de una persona hospitalizada esperando ser operada, o una persona  en coma, acuden a  buscar mi ayuda.


 La  persona no lo sabe, por lo tanto no se puede sugestionar, pero yo la  puedo ayudar através de corriente energoinformativa o  energizado una pieza de  ropa. O  una fotografía. 


